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Slide Into A Good Book! Penguin Winter Bulletin Board Idea

Looking for a fun way to spice up your classroom library or reading corner this winter? Try this cute bulletin board from Resources for Christian Teachers - not only will it inspire your students to pick up a good book, it'll provide a dynamic decoration during the "theme-slump" between the winter holidays and spring! And, to inspire even more excitement, get your students involved in making the classroom display!
Penguin Crafts
Create penguin templates from card stock. Provide students with black, white, and orange construction paper, inviting them to trace, cut out, and glue the pieces together to create their own construction paper penguin. If you prefer "out-of-the-ordinary" penguin crafts, try one of the following options:
- Use paper plates to design penguins like these found at Craft Jr!
- Design footprint penguins like these at All Kids Network!
- Recycle old light bulbs with these fun light bulb penguins at About.com: Family Crafts!
- Use up old egg cartons creating these cute penguins from Free Kids Crafts!
Slide Into A Good Book Bulletin Board
- Background: Light blue and white background paper.
- Title: "Slide Into A Good Book"
- Border: The creator of this display decided not to use a border, but you might consider a winter-themed bulletin board border or a solid color bulletin board trimmer in a complimentary color.
- Decoration: 1) The Snowflakes. Create a snowflake template from card stock. Use it to trace and cut out snowflakes from white and gray construction paper. You might also be able to find a black and white clip art print online or through your word processing software that can be printed directly onto white and gray card stock and cut out. 2) The Sledding Hill. Use white bulletin board paper to "build" a sledding hill that starts at the left and slopes to the right. 3) The Sledding Penguins. Use your students' penguin crafts, adding colorful sleds to complete the image. Create several penguin cutouts sledding down the hill.
How do you decorate your library or reading corner for the school year? We'd love to hear your about your ideas so leave us a comment below!