5 More Fabulous Fall/Halloween Crafts for Kids!
In our fall/Halloween craft round-up we couldn't skip these fabulous project ideas from Natalie over at smART Class! Lots of great color, lots of different mediums, lots of amazing art possibilities for your little crafters!
Glow in the Dark Spider Webs

Simply use white colored pencil or chalk to draw a spider web shape on a piece of black construction paper and trace over the shape with dimensional glow in the dark craft paint! [These paints by Tulip would make a great option!]
Watercolor Pumpkins

Aren't these gorgeous!? Here's the process;
- On a piece of watercolor paper draw three or four pumpkins in a pile.
- Using watercolor paints give the pumpkins value and a 'shiny' appearance.
- Add a watercolor background (grass and night sky), complete with glow in the dark paint stars and moon!

Chalk Pastel Pumpkin Piles

A similar concept to the project above have your kiddos draw a pile of pumpkins, using chalk pastels to add value, then add a night landscape background complete with glow in the dark paint stars!

Mixed Media Scarecrows

- On a piece of white craft paper use a black crayon to draw a scarecrow and background elements - i.e. corn stalk(s), crow, sun, etc.
- Color in the hand drawn elements with oil pastels.
- Use watercolor paints to fill in the sky/background.
- Finally, add a few three-dimensional decorations! Actual straw for the scarecrow's hair and popping out of the cuffs, as well as colorful buttons on the scarecrow's shirt!
Mixed Media Squirrels

Another great mixed media project! Students first did a 'draw along', using black crayon to draw the squirrel character and pumpkin on orange construction paper. The pumpkin and squirrel were colored in with oil pastels and then the entire element was cut out and glued onto a piece of blue construction paper. Next, students glued on a construction paper acorn shape (drawn first with black crayon onto white craft paper and cut out) that they painted with gold paint and finished off with a brown construction paper top. While they had the gold paint out, students also painted the squirrel's tail and 'fur' around the eyes. Finally, students added construction paper details to their squirrel that reflected their personality, interests, etc. (one student added a chef's had because he likes to cook, a second student added a princess crown, etc.) and completed the scene with some grass drawn in along the bottom of the paper with oil pastels.