Do You Have the WRITE Stuff? Listen to the VOICES! - Bulletin Board Idea

Here's a brief description and a few credits Deanna wanted to include with her awesome display...
"This board was inspired by other pictures that I saw on the web. It features the six traits of writing arranged as an acrostic, VOICES. Under the title, trait headers and descriptions of each trait are followed by photos of actual teachers in the building and their comments about a specific trait. [Making the title "Listen to the Voices" come alive!] We are a small school with two 4th grade classes, one 5th, and one 6th - that accounts for only four of traits, so I got our instructional coach and my resource room teacher to round it out to six. The display also provided a way to introduce some of the staff for Back-to-School Night!"
A big credit goes to...
- Kristen of Ladybug's Teacher Files! The letters of "V-O-I-C-E-S", as well as character trait headers and the coordinating lined paper that trait descriptions and teacher comments were penned on were created by Kristen and provided as a free resource at her blog!
- Edupress! The descriptions of each trait came from an Edupress poster that was so clear and concise I had to use them!
Here are a few close-ups of the bulletin board...