WOW Words Vocabulary & Literacy Bulletin Board Idea

Looking for a fun way to learn about and display vocabulary words in the classroom? Montevallo Elementary's first grade teaching duo, contributors to the website Izzyshare, designed this dynamic "WOW words" bulletin board to do just that! With each literacy unit, students explore definitions, known synonyms, sentence usage, and picture "definitions" of new vocabulary words while still being able to review words from previous literary selections and units. Here's how you can make your own exciting vocabulary display.
WOW Words Bulletin Board
- Background: Black bulletin board paper.
- Title: "WOW Words!"
- Border: Colorfully patterned trimmer, reading-themed bulletin border, complimentary solid colored bordette, or another bulletin board decoration of your choice.
- Decoration: 1) The Literary Selections: At the beginning of the year, make and laminate a black and white print of each book your students will read throughout the school year. Place these around the outside edge of the board. As each unit is completed and each book is read, create vocabulary word labels and tape these to the literary selection they came from. 2) Exploring Vocabulary Section. Gather a piece of poster board or a large piece of bulletin board paper and a marker. Create a rectangular box in the middle of the paper. This will display the focus vocabulary word, then divide the poster board into four squares (be sure not to draw lines in the middle rectangle). At the top of each box, pen a different heading (e.g. "Definition", "Picture", "Synonyms" or "Other Words", and "Connection"). Cover the poster with clear contact paper and, paired with dry erase markers, you can use the same poster over and over again!
With this board, students will be reminded of the various vocabulary words they've discovered throughout the year, parents entering the classroom will be able to see what books their child is reading, and the dynamic display will provide wonderful classroom decoration all year long!
Do you have a special vocabulary word display for your classroom? We'd love to hear about it! Leave a comment below.