Nintendo Wii: Training Tool or Game?
Ever wonder if a motion-detecting gaming system - like the Nintendo Wii - can actually teach a person how to play a sport or help improve their game? This science fair project does just that! If you can come by all the equipment, this will make a great addition to any science fair!
Wii Sports
The technology of the Nintendo Wii sports games bring the concept of audio-visual instruction (i.e. training videos) to a whole new level. They actually allow players to physically interact with the program and get hands-on training. There are two modes - the training mode where players are versed in the rules of the game and given instruction on the specific skills needed to play the game (i.e. stance, swing, grip, etc.), and the game mode where players get "real life" experience playing the game and facing opponents.
Project Overview
This project explores how randomly selected test participants - 5 males and 5 females with no previous experience with golf, tennis, or bowling - perform after various levels of exposure to Nintendo Wii sports. Participant aptitude levels are measured both before and after exposure to the games. For project details, procedure, experiment observations, conclusion, helpful project videos, and extensions, be sure to visit All Science Fair Projects for the full project write-up!