Look Who's 'Running' For 5th Grade! - Election Themed Bulletin Board Idea
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Created to go along with their election theme, we thought this simple bulletin board designed by Stephanie over at Fifth Grade Dugout would be a great way to tie the coming 2012 election into your classroom decor! It's festive and patriotic, and we're certain yours students will get a kick out of seeing their name on the 'official ballot'!
Look Who's Running!
- Background: Royal blue bulletin board paper.
- Title: "Look Who's Running For ________ [Fifth Grade, Star Student of 203, Math Maven, etc]!"
- Border: Patriotic trimmer.
- Decoration: 1) The Official Ballot. Use word processing software and a piece of white poster board to create an oversized "official ballot" - featuring the names of each of your candidates and a short, one-liner that qualifies them for the 'position'. {This is a fun way to share something special and, perhaps not well known, about each of your kiddos!} Mount this to the middle of the bulletin board. 2) The Election Theme. Decorate the rest of the board with election and patriotic themed elements - a ballot box, the American flag, stars, ballots, etc.