Spring Bird Watching - 6 Bird Feeder/Nest Crafts

Spring is an excellent time of year to do some bird watching with your kiddos! To ensure that you have a better chance of seeing these beautiful winged creatures in their natural habitat, you might try one of these fun bird feeder/nest crafts that we found at some our favorite haunts around the crafting blogosphere!


Spring Bird Watching Craft for KidsBird Cakes {recipe included!} via Red Ted Art

Spring Bird Feeder Kids CraftRecycled Pop Bottle+Wooden Spoon Feeder via PlayDrMom

Spring Bird Feeder Craft for KidsToilet Paper Roll Feeder via Pinterest

Spring Bird Feeder Kids CraftOrange Peel Bird Feeder via Donuts, Dresses and Dirt


Spring Bird Nest Kids CraftBirds Nests from Natural Materials via The Chocolate Muffin Tree

Spring Bird Feeder Craft for KidsBird House Creations from Leah Inspired

These fun crafts offer great starting point if you are planning a spring bird watching unit!

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