Fabulous DIY Projects from Paris Bourke
For those of you who have found Paris Bourke already, we apologize for our ignorance! We happened to stumble upon the site today and had a fantastic time perusing the fun do-it-yourself projects. Since we feel like we're playing catch-up, here are several of our site favorites...

Check out this gorgeous marble circus game {complete with free template}! Students strengthen gross motor control as well as simple addition skills as they roll their marbles through the openings and keep track of points scored. Perfect for a zoo or safari unit...or any time of year, really!

Have any wood scraps lying around? With a bin of bolts and nuts {and some drilled holes, of course!}, these scraps can be repurposed into a construction/building set for your kiddos! They're sure to love playing with real wood and building materials!

For the crafters out there, here's an adorable homemade postman game that will keep your kiddos occupied for hours. Beautiful {embroidered!} felt envelopes. Fabric stamps. The pieces are simply too pretty to deliver! Scared of fabric and sewing? Create a "less crafty" version creating envelopes from thick card stock and fastening them with Velcro dots instead of snaps. Address labels and stamps can be hand-drawn {and laminated!} and stuck onto the envelopes with Velcro.
Be sure to head on over to Paris Bourke for these and other fantastic homemade projects for kids!