End of School Writing Craftivity - My Summer Bucket List

Summer Writing Craft and Kindergarten Lesson Plan
Photo Source: fakinit.typepad.com

Chances are you're not the only one pining for summer; your kinders {almost 1st graders!} are sure to be excited about their upcoming vacation as well! So much so that it may be hard for them to concentrate on the tasks at hand. We're of the mind that, if you can't beat'em, join'em! Capitalize on their excitement by shaping your lessons around the things that are already on their minds. Take, for example, this adorable "Summer Bucket List" writing craftivity from Becky over at Fakin' It. While your kiddos are busy dreaming of the awesome adventures they'll have this summer, they'll also be building/brushing up their writing skills! Not to mention, the bucket craft is super colorful and cute - making it a great piece to display during open house!

Summer Craft for Kids and Kindergarten Writing Lesson Plan
Photo Source: blog.mpmschoolsupplies.com

NOTE: Becky used her Cricut cutting machine to create the beach pails, but you could always use a simple template like this cute beach pail and shovel craft!

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