100th Day Take Home Book for Kids

If you're looking for a way to commemorate your 100th day festivities with your kiddos, this super cute 100th Day Activity Book featured by Julie over at Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten is perfect!
100th Day Take Home Book
Provide each student with a colorful cover for the book that says "My 100th Day Activities." Then have students complete the following pages to fill up their take home books! A great idea would be to start the activities about a week before your 100th day of school and break them up over 5 days or so. Then complete the books on the 100th day and send them home with your kiddos!
Have your students draw a picture of themselves on the 100th day of school.

Students can proctice writing and counting by tracing their numbers 1-100.

Practice tallying in 10's from 10 all the way to 100.

See how many times your students can write their first names in 100 seconds.

Have students write down an item they actually have 100 of and then an item they wish they had 100 of (complete the page with a colorful drawing).

Be sure to check out Julie's site for the 100th Day Take Home Book Printables! She has an entire 100th Day Package available in her TPT store.