The Gift of Children's Books

the gift of children's books
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April 2nd is International Children's Book Day, a day set aside to "inspire the love of reading and to call attention to children's books". To commemorate the date, why not start a new tradition with your preschoolers and the other classes on your floor/at your center. We found these fantastic ideas at Katherine Marie Photography and just had to share!

Giving the Gift of Books {& Literacy}

  1. Collect or purchase several copies of your students' favorite children's book(s). Attach a message [like Katherine's above] and drop the surprise gifts at the doors of the other classes on your floor for them to enjoy!
  2. Have a book drive, inviting your students to bring in books they don't use anymore, donating them to a local shelter or children's hospital. So that your students can see the fruit of their efforts, ask if the shelter director or someone from hospital personnel can snap a few photos of children enjoying the books. [It may not be allowed for policy reasons, but it doesn't hurt to ask! Your students will feel much more connected to the project if they can see how they've helped.]
  3. When the next book order comes through, have your students help you choose several selections to 'donate', requesting that they be given to a child at the school who can't afford it or who needs a 'pick-me-up'!

Not only will these classroom traditions help you share the gift of children's books with people in the community, they'll instill in your students the joy of giving and helping others.

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