LOTS of Fun with M&Ms!
What preschooler doesn't like M&Ms?! Use this to your advantage with these super fun activities from Lindsy at Preschool Alphabet - you're sure to have a "sweet" time!

M&M Graphing
Download and print the graphing activity sheet and purchase individual packages of M&Ms {or divide a large bag of candies into smaller plastic baggies!}. Invite your kiddos to sort the chocolates by color and count the number of candies in each group, gluing them onto the correct column of the graph or using colored pencils to mark off each section. Invite them to determine which color they had the most of, which color they had the least of, if there were any colors with equal amounts, etc. Ask them to create word problems using their results...
- "The _______ column had more than the _______ column."
- "The _______ column had less than the _______ column."
- "The _______ column had _____ more than the _______ column" [Have them actually count the difference - "The red column had 4 more than the blue column", etc.]
This is just one of the fun exercises Lindsy shares at her blog, be sure to visit to find out the details for a fun M&M craft, literacy activity, and cooking exercise!