Summer Olympics - Sight Word Soccer

Just in time for the summer Olympic games, we found this super fun sight word soccer game created by Malia over at Playdough To Plato and thought it would a perfect fit! It will get your kiddos excited about the games and help them review sight words using a learning strategy known as "spell, cover, check" - i.e. students first identify the sight word, saying as well as spelling it, then cover the word and try to spell it from memory.
Supplies You'll Need
- Soccer field and sigh word soccer ball printables {available for FREE over at Playdough To Plato}
- Recycled bottle caps
- Craft glue
- Poster board or tag board
[NOTE: We suggest attaching the soccer field printable to a scrap piece of poster or tag board and running it through the laminator to reduce wear and tear.]
Not only does this game take literacy skills, in order to score points, students must also be able to aim/control the sight word soccer balls to make goals! It looks like tons of fun and will totally get them in the mood to watch the Olympics!
For the game printables and rules, be sure to visit Playdough To Plato!