Learning with Seed Packets!
Spring is the perfect time of year to incorporate a gardening unit into your lesson plans and we love the idea of using actual seed packets for learning and play! Here are a few great activities you might consider including in your spring plans...

Make a Seed Book. Help your students connect food/flowers with the seeds they grow from using a handy seed book like this one from PreKinders! The colorful seed packets clearly indicate where the seed comes from and the clear bags/page sleeves allow your students to explore and compare different seeds without a huge mess! {Double win!}

Make a Seed Garden. Similar to the seed book, this activity from Teach Preschool also provides an opportunity for your students to make the connection between food/plants and their seeds. However, the seed garden offers a more hands-on approach. Not only are students able to see the seed differences, but also smell and feel how the seeds compare. This activity is sure to be messier than other options, but we know your kinders would have a ball!

Make a Food/Flower Flip Book. A flip book like this one from Joyful Mama's Place is a great way to introduce food and flower vocabulary words, as well as create a colorful resource for your gardening unit. Simply glue seed packets onto card stock, place on a binder ring, and set in your science or writing center! Your kinders will have a great time flipping through the colorful pages.

[NOTE: If you don't have actual seed packets for this activity, you can always print your own! Mama Jenn offers printable veggie seed packets for FREE at her blog!]
Be sure to visit each of these lovely sites for the full lesson plan and activity!