Gross Motor Fun - The Tissue Dance Game

Do your wiggly little preschoolers {almost kindergartners!} need a brain break? Spice up the last few weeks with some surprise activities that will get your kiddos up and moving around - like this adorable tissue dance activity from Janine over at True Aim! Not only does the activity require little in the way of supplies, but under the guise of fun, your little ones will also be working on posture, body control, balance, and concentration!
To warm up, you might try a few exercises with your preschoolers to help them get a feel for the tissue on their head and what movements might make it move. Have your kiddos make a circle, then try marching in place, doing some squats, twirling, and walking slowly around the circle. Once they've had a chance to warm up, it's time to explain the rules, then turn the music on and get to moving! We know your preschoolers will have a blast with this exercise!
For full game details, be sure to visit True Aim!