Spring Science - 3 Fun Seed Trays
What better way is there to celebrate Earth Day than actually getting your hands on soil and seeds? Whether you're looking for some fun hands-on activities for next Monday or are in need of a few extras for your spring gardening unit, check out these great activity tray ideas that offer your students an opportunity to explore seeds!

Seed Sorting. Provided with a bowl of seeds, small flower pots, and transferring tools like tweezers, scoops, etc. - invite your kiddos to sort the seeds by kind into the pots. Great for fine motor building and seed exploration, you can find all of the details at Fantastic Fun & Learning!

Planting Seeds. Have your kiddos try their hand at planting their own seeds! Armed with cotton balls, radish seeds, water, and a plastic Ziploc bag, have your preschoolers practice planting. Shaunna over at Fantastic Fun & Learning shares how she and her kiddos arranged their newly planted seeds in a sunny place and were able to see sprouts within 24 hours! Be sure to check out their full post - including planting directions - for the details.

Seed Matching. Provide your kiddos with a bowl of seeds and seed drawings, inviting them to sort the seeds to the appropriate seed drawing. Another great, hands-on way for your preschoolers to explore actual seeds, handling and sorting the seeds also offers a great fine motor building exercise. Check out the full lesson idea at The Golden Gleam.
The awesome activity trays are sure to get your Earth Day and/or spring garden unit off to a great start!