MLK Day Lesson Plan - Creative Coloring

Looking for a way to commemorate MLK Day with your kiddos? Then check out this super creative lesson plan featured by Jennifer over at Herding Kats in Kindergarten!
MLK Day Creative Coloring Lesson Plan
You will want to start with three different colors of construction paper and crayons to match. The example shows red, black and white, but you could use any three colors of your choosing. Just make sure the crayons would be visible on the other colors of construction paper (for example, blue and purple may not work well together).
Gather all of your students around your classroom carpet. Then, hand each student a piece of construction paper and a crayon to match. Tell your students to draw a pretty picture to cover the page (it can be anything they desire) while you read (Jennifer chose "Martin's Big Words" for this plan).
It shouldn't take long for your students to realize that their drawing won't show up if they are using a crayon color that matches their construction paper. Wait for a little while and continue reading to see if your students figure out on their own that they should switch their crayons. If your students don't seem to be catching on, ask one of them why he or she isn't drawing. You should quickly get an "I'm trying!" type of response.
Once your students trade crayons, encourage them to continue drawing while you finish reading. The hope here is that they will be captivated by what you are reading, which will then start an incredible class discussion about Martin Luther King and everything he accomplished!
Check out the cute pictures created by Jennifer's students! ...after they switched crayons of course.