FREE 100th Day of School Mystery Bags - Printable Activity!

Product Description
This is a great classroom activity for all age groups and is a fun way to celebrate the 100th day of school, but it can really be used anytime of the year! Ask your students to bring in a paper bag filled with 100 items from home. Each of the 100 items has to be the same, for example, 100 pennies, 100 legos, 100 gummie bears, etc..
Print out the worksheet for each student.
Have them cut out the information sheet in the middle of the page and fill it out. Then, glue or tape it to their bag.
Finally, pass around the bags to each student and give them 30 seconds to inspect each bag and write their prediction on the lines provided, but no peeking! Once all of the bags have made it all the way around the classroom, have each student read their predictions and reveal what's inside their bag!
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