Presidential Printing Practice

President's Day Handwriting Practice Preschool Printable
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Barbie over at Really Roper created this handwriting sheet that would be perfect for your President's Day writing center! Featuring themed vocabulary words and corresponding pictures, there are lots of things you can do with this printable!

  • Trace the Rainbow! Follow the worksheet directions, inviting students to first trace the words with pencil then 'rainbow write' them!
  • Presidential Writing Strips. Cut the words apart, laminating the resulting vocabulary tracing strips, and clip them together with a binder ring. Set out in your writing center with fine dry erase markers. Students can practice writing each word {as many times as they want!}, flipping from page to page, then wipe the activity clean for the next student.
  • Presidential Printing and Ordering. Cut the words apart, creating tracing strips. Invite your students to trace the new vocabulary words then put the strips in alphabetical order.

However you decide to use this awesome printable, be sure to visit Really Roper to get your FREE copy!

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