Mystery Frog Number Sentences - Fact Family Practice FREEbie

Add a little froggy fun to fact family practice with this cute FREEbie provide by Heidi over at Mrs. Samuelson's Swamp Frogs. The worksheets and frogs are provided for you - all you have to do is print the frogs on color paper (2 frogs per color), fill in dots on each frog to create a fact family and cut the frogs out. Easy peasy!
Provide each of your students with a worksheet for recording their answers. Then instruct them to find the matching color frogs, use a crayon that is the same color to color in a frog on the worksheet, and write in the corresponding numbers off the frogs backs to discover a fact family. It really is that simple!
Also, if you find yourself short on color paper, you could always use watercolor paint to color the frogs! Check out Heidi's results: