Lacing, Ordering, Sight Words & More - Dental Health Month Printables

We found these dental health activities from Childcare Land via Mrs. Kilburn's Kiddos and think they'd be perfect for carrying the tooth hygiene theme across subjects.
Simple Sight Words Flip Book
Students will love that this flip book has "layers". Each page features tooth flaps that, when lifted, reveal common {simple!} sight words beneath. Read the book as a class, use the flip books for small group instruction,
Tooth Lacing Card
Lovett's tooth lacing card makes a great addition to your fine motor center. Here are a few ways to use it:
- Print the worksheet onto colorful card stock, laminate it, then use a paper punch to create holes around the outer edge. Place the cutout in a clear tub with several types of string - yarn, thin ribbon, cord, etc.
- Print the worksheet onto card stock and cut out, creating a traceable template. Trace the tooth shape onto colorful foam sheets and cut it out, using a paper punch to create holes around the outer edges. Place the foam lacing cards in a basket with several types of string.
- Print the worksheet onto colorful card stock, laminate it, then use a paper punch to create holes around the outer edge. Attach the cutout to piece of foam, placing it in a basket with golf tees and a small wooden hammer, inviting students to tap tees into place.
- Print the worksheet onto colorful card stock, laminate it, and attach the cutout to a piece of foam. Place the cutout in a clear tub with a shallow dish of tacks, inviting students to practice pushing pins through the circles around the edges.
Teeth Number Cards
You can never have too many sets of number cards. Here are some great activities to try using Lovett's teeth number cards:
- Have students build number recognition, counting, and ordering skills by placing the number cards in order.
- Spread the number cards out on the floor, call out a number, and have students take turns trying to hit the right number card with a bean bag.
- Hide the cards around the room and invite your students to go on a counting/number scavenger hunt.
- Provide students with clothespins {or another manipulative}, inviting them to clip or place the appropriate number of clothespins/counters on the number cards.
Happy "Toothy" Learning!