Fabulous FREE Labels To Keep Your Kiddos Organized!

Do you get as excited about labels as we do?! There's just something about keeping things neat and organized with color coordinating, fun fonted labels! Reagan over at Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits is an avid labeler and does so, not only because they're cute and fun, but because it helps her students become more independent! Labels take the guesswork out of putting things away/finding things and, as students encounter the labels on a daily basis, they help build early reading skills as students 1) make connections between the words and the items they're putting away and 2) begin to recognize the words!
Math journals. Interactive morning binders. Science folders. Take home folders. It can be amazing the number of binders, folders, and notebooks it takes to keep your students organized! Reagan has a label for them all! Use one, use a few, or use them all - they're cute and FREE and sure to come in handy!
Along with the free labels, Reagan also includes a short explanation expounding on what the labels are for and how they use each specific folder/binder, etc. in class, so be sure to visit Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits for the download and info!