Easter Chicks
While a class party for Easter or spring break usually don't make the schedule, when exams are finally finished and all work has been turned in, find small ways to herald in the coming vacation with fun snacks, games, and crafts.
A Craftbits.com contributor posted this fun craft that can be used in a variety of ways. Made from vibrant seasonal colors, these chicks make great desk decorations, are large enough to hide eggs full of treats, and can be used for surprise drawings (i.e. whoever has the star sticker inside receives a free homework pass, etc.)
Supplies You'll Need
- Plastic cup (you can find orange cups at your local craft or party store)
- Yellow or orange felt, card stock, or foam
- Black and white felt, card stock, or foam
- Craft glue
- Scissors
Use kids scissors to cut a diamond and the shape of a chick's crest (the spiked feature on their head) from the yellow or orange felt. To begin creating the head of the chick, turn the plastic cup upside-down. The diamond will be folded in half and secured to the front of the cup to create the beak, while the crest will be glued to the top of the cup. Eyes should be crafted from the black and white materials, cut out, and glued above the beak. This is a simple craft that packs a lot of punch!