Classifying Modes of Transportation

transportation-themed grouping worksheet
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This activity, designed by the creators of TLS Books, would make a great addition to your class' transportation unit (or any other time during the year too!). Since the exercise does require a bit of reading, we suggest you complete this worksheet as a class or during one-on-one time with your students. Either way, your students will get practical experience with the concept of classification (or grouping) and learn about different modes of transportation!

P.S. If you don't have a transportation unit yet, be sure to check out this great post at Kindergarten Lesson Plans! It's sure to provide inspiration and ideas to get you started!

Worksheet Considerations

While we think the first activity is skill-appropriate for your preschoolers, we do suggest a few alterations/considerations for the second (since it's unlikely that your preschooler reads and writes!). First, consider creating transportation flash cards to go along with each vehicle listed in the box. You could cut and paste the clip art from the worksheet onto index cards or use word processing software and clip art images found online (shown in the example below) to create the cards.

example vehicle flash cards

example vehicle flash cards

example vehicle flash cards

Using file folders with simple picture labels or even a student drawn landscape (that includes water, land, and sky), have students sort or classify each transportation card by whether it travels over land, on water, or in the air.

You can also use these cards as vocabulary builders, have students practice letter recognition and ordering by having them put the cards in alphabetical order, or print two copies to play memory/matching games!

Be sure to visit TLS Books for the download and, while you're there, take a look at the many other excellent worksheets to print and use!

Happy Classifying!


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