Educating Students with Differing Ability Levels

To keep your students engaged in the learning process, it is important to make sure that the resources, material, and activities used in lesson creation are fully suited to your classroom. By tailoring lesson information to the age and ability level of your students, you will ensure that lectures and exercises are relevant to your class. This is where things might get tricky. Most teachers are charged with the responsibility of educating students with widely differing ability levels. Because of this, it is important to incorporate strategies in lesson planning that will cater to these different levels. For example, designing activities that provide for group work encourage peer tutoring where more able students assist students who might need help.

Additionally, classroom exercises can be structured to incorporate 'extended learning elements'. While the main lesson tasks can remain straightforward and targeted to students who may require additional support, the extra tasks can help to enrich the learning process of those students who get the lesson material easily.

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