
Candy Heart Math Fun!

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Valentine's Day Math Kindergarten Lesson Plan
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Bern over at Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas shared these super colorful and fun conversation heart math stations that would be just perfect for February and Valentine's Day! Nonstandard units of measure. Estimation. Counting. These are just a few of the skills your kinder will have a chance to practice. While you'll have to visit Bern's blog for the full lesson and activity set-up, here's a sneak peek at our favorite exercises...

Conversation Heart Measuring

How awesome is this?! For the activity {pictured above}, Bern used construction paper to create heart cutouts of difference sizes, labeling each one with a different number. After drawing a 'measuring line' on each cutout, she invited her kiddos to measure each heart using the colorful candies and record their answer on a data sheet. A fun way to review measuring with  nonstandard units, counting, and even numeral and/or color recognition!

Conversation Heart Estimation

Estimation jars are fun, but we love the hands-on element of this estimation activity. Providing her kiddos with a worksheet featuring hearts of different sizes, she invited them to estimate how many candy hearts it would take to fill the inside of each heart then actually fill the images with candies and see how close they were! [We loved the activity so much, we created a free printable handout to go along with it! Click the image below to get your free copy. Of course, you can always make your own too!]

Example candy heart estimation worksheet
Example candy heart estimation worksheet

These are just two of the incredible activities Bern shares over at her blog. Be sure to check out Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas for the rest of the lesson plan!

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