Winter Wonderland Multi-Skill Printables

Winter Preschool Printables
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Pam of Over the Big Moon put together this adorable winter wonderland preschool pack with tons of fun exercises for your kiddos! It's a great way to infuse some seasonal fun into your centers. Here's a look at two of our favorite pack activities...

Which One is Different?

Students will hone visual discrimination skills as they work to determine which object in the group doesn't belong! With three different worksheets to practice with, your preschoolers are sure to grasp the concept and become "pros" at quickly distinguishing differences between the objects!

Winter Wonderland Counting

The festive clip art makes these counting cards tons of fun! Simply invite students to count the number of objects presented on the counting card, identify the appropriate numeral, and...

  • Circle it
  • Place a sticker over it
  • Use a Do-A-Dot marker or BINGO dauber to highlight it
  • Clip a mini clothespin over it

...or something equally as fun!

These are just two of the activities Pam includes in her preschool pack. Be sure to head on over to Over the Big Moon for a preview of the other exercises and for the free download!

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