Keeping Your Gadgets Going... with Solar Power!

Middle School Science Fair Project
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In this age of technology, it seems as if everyone has a smart phone, mp3 player, tablet, and other handheld gadgets that keep them entertained and connected throughout the day. While battery life is usually pretty good, we're certain everyone has experienced a time (or two!) when their device has 'run out of juice' at a most inconvenient time. Enter the solar charger! For those students interested in technology, electricity, and the environment, this project from Instructables might just be something to look in to! Following the steps, students will be able to create a fully functioning device charger that relies on the sun for its power - fascinating and useful!

[NOTE: As this project requires the use of a soldering iron, we highly recommend the presence and assistance of a trustworthy adult. Please remember to take any and all safety precautions necessary!]

Be sure to visit Instructables for the full tutorial - including product recommendations, a comprehensive FAQ section, and photos of each step!

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