Spring and Summer Science Game Preschool Printable
Photo Source: workyourmommymagic.blogspot.com

Perfect for a spring/summer bug unit, check out this fun BINGO checklist/game from Erin, featured guest blogger over at Mommy Magic! It offers a great opportunity to introduce your kiddos to the different types of creepy crawlies that live around their homes and the school yard in a unique and fun way.

To play, Erin suggests arming your students with a BINGO checklist and a crayon, taking them outside, and inviting them to go on a 'bug hunt'! Discuss good locations for finding bugs - i.e. under rocks, on plants, in the dirt, etc. Give your kiddos a little while to explore, then regroup after the search and invite students to compare lists. If there were bugs they couldn't find, discuss why -  i.e. they're not indigenous to the region, they're nocturnal, et}.

If you don't have time for a scavenger hunt, use the BINGO template to create multiple game cards and play actual bug BINGO! Then, when they're done, students can cut out the bug pictures to add to their science notebooks - perhaps writing something they've learned, drawing a picture of the bug in their natural habitat, etc.

For this awesome download, be sure to visit Mommy Magic!

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