Oyster: Egg Carton Sea Creatures Series

Pining for the ocean? Give your students this beach-worthy oyster craft to work on from Sherri Osborn at About.com!

Supplies You'll Need
- Egg carton
- Gray craft paint
- Kids paint brush
- Wiggle eyes
- Pink felt sheet
- White pom pom
- Masking or utility tape
- Craft glue
- Kids craft scissors Use scissors to detach each individual cup from the egg carton, trimming the edges so that they're smooth. Each student needs two cups for this craft so plan accordingly. Additionally, create a template of the egg cup by tracing its circle onto a piece of card stock.

To begin, instruct your students to paint their egg cups gray and set them in a safe place to dry. Using the pre-made cup templates, have your students trace the oyster's body onto a piece of pink felt and cut it out. When the paint is dry, invite your students to glue the felt into the bottom cup along with a white pom pom (for the pearl!). To finish off the creature, use a piece of masking tape to hold the two cups together (this should be placed on the back of the animal creating a small opening at the front for a 'mouth'), painting over the tape strip with gray paint, and adding wiggle eyes to the top cup. Super cute and super fun!

Egg Carton Oyster - Free Arts and Crafts for Kids

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