“March comes in like a lion…”

With the popular saying, “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb”, the first month of spring wouldn’t be complete without a lesson on weather. Explaining to your students that this saying illustrates the weather transition from winter to spring, invite them to brainstorm what characteristics make weather ‘ferocious’ and those that are deemed ‘calm’. Topics to discuss may include temperature, wind speed, type of precipitation, etc. Have each student predict if the weather conditions will keep with the saying this year or if they will stray setting aside a small space on the front chalkboard or dry erase board to record a tally of votes. Provide each student with a blank calendar template and invite them to use a planner or other classroom calendar to fill in the correct dates and labels. Students should keep this printout in their science folder so that they can access it every day to record weather conditions. Have students decide after completing observations each day whether it was a ‘lion’ or ‘lamb’ day.

Supplement this lesson with fun crafts. Just For Fun blog creator, Sandy, has provided instructions and pictures on how to create your own lion from construction paper handprints and, to illustrate the rest of the saying, blogger Michaele Sommerville has created a fun lamb craft for all ages. Use these simple lesson and craft ideas to learn about weather and test the infamous March saying!

Just For Fun: In Like a Lion... Kindergarten's 3 R's: Respect, Resources and Rants: In Like Lambs...

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