Managing Misbehavior

It has been said that, in life, if you plan your response ahead of time, you won’t be caught off guard. The same is true with teaching and discipline. If you have guidelines for discipline and have practiced standing firm, when misbehavior disrupts your classroom, you’ll be ready and able to handle it. Jennifer Wagaman has compiled a list of five helpful classroom management suggestions to keep in mind when dealing with behavior problems. First, remain calm. Whether you count to ten in your head or take a deep breath, take time to collect your thoughts before addressing the situation. Flying off the handle will only cause further damage and a much bigger disruption. Once you’ve checked your attitude, it’s time to deal promptly and directly with the situation. Without causing a scene or embarrassing the student involved, explain what behavior was unacceptable and why it is inappropriate. The key is to make sure the student understands what is expected of him or her.

Without a doubt, following through with stated consequences is one of the most important aspects of classroom discipline. If you continually let things slide, it will only work to undermine your authority. Students will begin testing you to see what they can and can’t get away with. Wagaman also suggests that disciplinary conversations be kept short, so as not encourage room for arguments, and move on with the rest of the lesson as normal. The benefit of a successful disciplinary plan is a well-organized and effective classroom.

Five Steps to Handling Any Discipline Problem « My Classroom Management

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