Homemade! - Puffy Paint

Homemade Paint Kids Craft

We love the idea of homemade art materials! This summer {when your kiddos are petitioning you for something fun to do because they're bored} add some dimension to your paintings with homemade puffy paint!

Supplies You'll Need

The recipe is easy peasy; simply add equal parts white craft glue and shaving cream to the plastic cup, throw in a few drops of food coloring, and stir away!

Summer Homemade Paint Craft for Kids

Use the paint to create fun scenes...

Preschool Paint Kids Craft

...or spread wax paper on a cookie sheet, swirl the different colors of homemade puffy paint together, place a piece of card stock over top the design, then peel it away to reveal a colorful {dimensional} print! [Like the ones below...]

Preschool Summer Homemade Paint Kids Craft

Whether you brush, squeeze, dab, or swirl this homemade puffy paint, your kiddos are sure to name this one of their favorite summer "boredom busters"!

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