Groundhog Egg Carton Craft

Groundhogs Day Craft for Kids
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Are we in for an early spring or six more weeks of winter? As you and your kiddos find out this February 2nd, getting into the spirit of Groundhog Day, you might also want to check out this fun craft from Play With Me! It's super adorable and would make a great project for toddlers on up.

Created using recycled egg carton cups, all you'll need to do is collect a few supplies from your craft closet - green and brown paint, brown pom poms, wiggle eyes, and craft glue! To add a sensory touch, you might consider inviting your students to use sponges to paint the outside of the cartons brown and, when dry, use silk grass {purchased at your local craft store} to create 'grass' marks on the bottom egg cup. The pom pom groundhog, glued inside the cup, will also offer a sensory element.

Put together, the groundhog den - that actually opens and closes - is sure to be a hit with your kiddos!

For the full craft post, be sure to visit Play With Me!

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