Great Crafts from Recycled Materials

If you're looking for ways to clean out your supply closet, here are some great craft ideas that recycle the old so you can bring in the new for next year!

Egg Carton Dragon

Project supplies include: 3 egg cartons (best if you use half-dozens), green craft paint, kids paint brush, red construction paper, 2 treasury tags, craft glue, Scotch tape, craft scissors, and a black Sharpie marker.

Paint two whole cartons green to act as the dragon's head and body. Separate two individual 'cups' from the third carton to act as eyes. Paint these green as well. If you desire, use different shades of green to create the effect of scales. A great way to do this is to use bubble wrap as your printing tool. When dry, use the treasury tags to connect the head and body, and glue the separated 'cups' to the top of the head. Next, draw and cut out a tail, tongue, flames, and spines from the red construction paper and glue or tape them to the carton. Use the Sharpie marker to add eyes and nostrils to the dragon's face. You're finished! This is a great prop for play time or story time!

Other Recycling Crafts
- Egg Carton Flowers
- Newspaper Earth
- Paper Tube Flower
- Plastic Bottle Silly Snake
- And many more!

Recycling Challenge: 14 Great Projects | Dollar Store Crafts

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