Exploring the World from Your Classroom

Whether on safari or in the classroom, Jolanthe of Homeschool Creations provides a wonderful template for learning about new cities, countries, or regions! While the activities are spread out over two weeks, this lesson could also be condensed to fit into busy class schedules. Important Elements:

  1. Find a song about the region, from the region, or in the language of the region. Or do all three! Music is a great way to help your students learn and retain information. Additionally, if you can introduce a song from the region or in the language of the region, you'll be able to expand the cultural awareness of your students.
  2. Employ the use of globes, atlases, and maps for children. In the era of digital technology many children are not taught how to properly read a map. Find the longitude and latitude of the area, talk about its size in relation to the surrounding area, and take note of the terrain of the region.
  3. Explore geography terms relevant to the area (e.g. lake, valley, highlands, lowlands, etc.)
  4. Make a diorama of the region including landmarks, animals indigenous to the region, and other important aspects.

Check out Jolanthe's full post for more great ideas! She provides great resource links that can be adapted to fit the particular area you'd like to explore.

On Safari in Kenya ~ Our Lesson Plans

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