Christmas Clothespin Wheels

Christmas and Winter Counting Math Preschool Printable
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How fabulously adorable are these Christmas clothespin wheels from Katie at Playing With Words 365?! Not only will they help your kiddos build important skills {letter recognition, counting, fine motor coordination, and many more!}, Katie's designs are so cute, they'll make your preschoolers forget they're learning games!

  • Christmas Letter Match-up. Armed with clothespins that have been labeled with letters, introduce some new Christmas vocabulary words and provide your little learners with some letter practice, inviting your kiddos to match the clothespins to the object on the wheel that has the same beginning letter sound.
  • Christmas Color Matching. Have your preschoolers feed the 'hungry' reindeer clothespins, matching their colored craft pom pom noses to the appropriate section of the colored wheel.
  • Christmas Counting. Invite your kiddos to clip the reindeer clothespins randomly around the carrot wheel, then have them count and record how many carrots each colored reindeer ate.

Be sure to visit Playing With Words 365 for these awesome holiday printables!

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